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CSS Design Yorkshire

Gallery of over 7,500 bloomin' good web designs
from Yorkshire, England and the rest of the world!

Editor's Latest Selections

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Web Design List - Website ResourcesFeatured Website:

Web Design List

Website Design Resources

The Web Design List is a fantastic resource site for any designer or developer or opap casino online . Contained inside are links to just about every resource you could ever need including stock photography, javascript, e-commerce solutions, inspirational design galleries, graphic and technichal tutorials, blogs, apps, tools, typography, browser extensions, themes, icons, patterns, vectors and much much more.

Web Design List is also a Google PR4 with thousands of regular visitors, so there is also a great.

CSS Web Design - what's it all about?

CSS Web Design Yorkshire is a gallery of web sites created by css web designers in the Yorkshire region who build tableless websites using cascading style sheets with good semantic xhtml. Anyone can submit a website to this gallery, you may find websites featured here that are not from the Yorkshire area, they are included because we think they are built well and are of merit. Frankly we've been staggered by the world-wide response to this gallery! Even if you are not from Yorkshire or even England, you may become an 'honorary Yorkshireman' and still be included in this gallery if our editors think your site deserves the accolade. Become part of a group of designers and developers all working to make the web better to look at and more fun while improving accessibility and usability.

Websites featured on this page are chosen because they:
1. validate without a single error in the W3C MarkUp Validator;
2. are designed well and look good!
3. have descriptive titles and carefully thought-through descriptions.

Why not submit a site now?
Or search for submitted websites.


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